Thursday, September 11, 2008


I felt I worked really hard on my mission and only saw the smallest miracles. Even years after my mission I had I wished that I could see the fruit of something I did there. Almost five years after my mission I've witnessed the biggest fruit that could have ever come from what I did their. I had witnessed first hand the conversion of a man. I'm the last of my family who is an active member. Even my parents have fallen from the church. On my mission those small and few miracles I witnessed saved me. I may never know fully the role i Played there but I do know that I did witness the conversion of a man. Me. I would not have the testimony I have with out my mission. With out my mission I would have more than likely followed my family.
Thank you to those I served with.

Tim Odland

Sunday, September 7, 2008


I've seen a lot of miracles in my life. Most recently my wife Hailey and I have seen the miracle of bringing our little boy Jake into the world. Having Jake has been one of the greatest blessings I've ever received.

One of the many miracles that I saw on my mission came while knocking on doors in Roskilde with Elder Erik Svendsen. We were leaving a building when I felt like we should knock on a door that our record showed had already said they weren't interested. Since we try not to bother people that aren't interested it took us a minute to decide if we should knock on the door. A man named Thorben Idø answered and warmly took our invitation to read the Book of Mormon. The next time we saw him he had read a large portion of it. He said something about how he felt like it was as true if not more true than the Bible. We explained that like the Bible, the Book of Mormon is the word of God. That experience helped strengthen our faith in the Book of Mormon and the power of the Spirit.